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Our lie detection tests are particularly suitable for clarifying questions and suspicions regarding infidelity. With high accuracy, we find out and document the truth.

Living with suspicions of infidelity over time is a spiralling path towards reduced quality of life for both. Our tests enable you to put it all behind you, and allow you to be happy again.



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Most people experience challenges in their relationships, where the trust you have in each other is put to the test.


Whether you are going to survive as a couple, depends on your ability and willingness to come to grips to restore trust.


A polygraph test or an IntegrityView test is often the only possible method which will be able to give accurate answers regarding if infidelity has occured.

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Our recommendation is that you take tests before you attend couples therapy. After the test, it may be sensible to talk to a therapist about your trust issues, including the result of the test. 

Therapists does not have tools or accurate methods to determine if adultery or infidelity has occurred. It is therefore much easier for the therapist to help you after you have completed test.


Many of our clients recognize themselves in this description of their situation: 

Suspicion of adultery arises. How that suspicion arises differs from couple to couple. Suspecting infidelity is not really strange or unusual. Adultery is common. It's that simple. About 70% of all couples experience that at least one of the parties is unfaithful. And many times the suspicion can arise without infidelity having occurred. 

The suspect often confronts the partner  with his uncertainty, but does not feel that he/she gets an answer as to whether or not infidelity has occurred. The uncertainty is then reinforced. Many go into "undercover-detective mode" where they fight with themselves between trying to dismiss suspicions and trying to find evidence of whether or not something happened. 

Suspects often initiate investigations on their own. This is very different from couple to couple, but often includes; a) Checking partner's mobile/PC b) Checking logs on the internet, checking search history, history on social media c) Trying to calculate ut time of journeys from "a" to "b", to see if it is possible to carry out journeys/visits within the time frame d) Checks GPS logs with the partner. Checking Facebook etc. profiles of the person with whom the cohabitant is feared to be unfaithful. The person who suspects infidelity sometimes goes after the partner when he/she is going to meetings to check if he/she is meeting someone else. It is also slightly different what women often do, and what men often do in the same situation. 

The person who is suspected is initially not aware of how extensive an investigation the partner is launching. At home, questions about infidelity can become many and very intense. The interrogations also end more and more often with stronger reactions from both parties. The person who is suspected of adultery will therefore also often change their behavior in this process. For example, information is withheld from the person who corrects the suspicion to avoid saying something that could start a new questioning or argument... which in turn leads to the person who corrected the suspicion of infidelity becoming even more insecure when he/she finds out that even more has been hidden. The person who gets the suspicions directed at him adopts an evasive behavior in both actions and words, while the person who corrects the suspicions finds it suspicious that the partner is changing his behaviour. 

Those who suspect infidelity often find that the investigations do not prove infidelity, but find information that is perceived as suspicious, or strengthens the suspicion.  _d04a07d8-9cd1-3239-9139d6c7b_208


What makes this even more difficult for you is that this dynamic happens regardless of whether infidelity actually happened or not. 

Therefore, it is difficult-, if not almost impossible to reveal infidelity that goes back in time with traditional type of investigation, couples therapy or questioning and arguments at home.


That is where we can help you. 

The person who is innocent of infidelity must be aware that the suspicions the other has raised will not go away. You don't suddenly wake up one day and then all suspicions of infidelity are gone. Some people don't work like that. On the contrary, the suspicions become more intense and more problematic. For couples who fail to get to the bottom of this, it often ends in a breakup. It is usually only a matter of time. Along the way, there are several who take revenge by being unfaithful. Even when it is not proven that adultery has occurred. There is therefore every reason to take this seriously. 

If the person who is innocent of adultery wants to save the relationship, then the lie detector test / IntegrityView test applies. If you wait too long, you risk that the conflict that increases along the way can make it difficult to save the relationship.

It is also important to be aware that even where we uncover infidelity in a test, most couples seem to do well afterwards. We believe this is because trust is the most important thing. If your partner does not feel that he/she can trust you, then it is mostly only a matter of time before the relationship is over. If you have something you are still hiding regarding infidelity, then a lie detector test is a perfect opportunity to present what has happened, while the test can show that it has not happened anymore. If you confess to the same thing over the kitchen table, without a test, you risk that your partner will suspect that something else has happened. 

A lie detector test with a polygraph or IntegrityView punctures the problem, and is a catalyst that gives you the opportunity to repair the trust problems in the relationship. 

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